
Live life as though everything is rigged in your favor” -Rumi 

We are living in trying times, which is why I write my first blog starting with a quote by one of my favorite poets, Rumi. While I don’t need to point out what our country and the rest of the world is going through, I will say that this is a time for reflection and for practicing gratitude. I know, I know, you all know this, so I invite you first to believe that everything is rigged in your favor. 

How does this relate to health and wellness, you ask? Taking time to reflect, being grateful, and believing the world is rigged in your favor is key when it comes to the choices we make regarding our health, both physical and mental.  

Begin with yourself. Put your hand on your heart, and focus on what is important to you. We are all unique individuals with different needs and goals. As a health coach and graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, we believe in a holistic approach to how we approach each person. Bio-individuality is a core concept at IIN - what works for one person may not work for someone else. For example, dairy foods and/or foods containing gluten may work for some people and not others. A very simple example, and yet it explains bio-individuality. In turn, the same principle applies to a person’s workout routine. The challenge is figuring out what works for you. We are living in a world of information overload. My knowledge and passion as a fitness trainer and health coach inspire me to walk the path with others.

Remember to run the mile you’re in.

Be healthy -
