The Power of Mantra, Laughter and Self-Care
THE “MANTRA” EFFECT: Repetitive speech elicits widespread deactivation in the human cortex, causing a shift in the brain where our subconscious brain starts to basically record these positive thoughts and begin to believe it. Research has proven that repeating mantras helps to reduce anxiety and stress, and they have been around for at least 3,000 years (that says a lot!). Simple works and phrases have the power to interrupt negativity and invite change in life. Here are a few examples:
“I am grateful for all that is unfolding in my life and all that is yet to come.”
“Forward progress! Just keep moving!”
“Today, you are perfect.”
“I am strong. I am beautiful. I am enough.”
Anxiety and stress can cause health issues, as we all know, including increased cortisol levels, which can cause weight gain, loss of sleep, high blood pressure, just to name a few things… And, as I mentioned a few (okay, a lot!) times in my previous blog, “Superfoods for Boosting”, inflammation in our bodies can cause disease. So, anxiety and stress, in turn, can cause inflammation (Boo!).
If science has done studies on the benefits of the mantra effect, it only makes sense that trying it could also have the opposite effect of anxiety and stress, i.e, releasing “happy hormones”, like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin (all good!). Thinking of our overall health just might be enough motivation to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. So hit that “delete” button when those little bugs start to creep their way into your thoughts (you’ve got this!)!
I know, I know, easier said than done, so think of it like my 90/10 lifestyle plan—try to be good 90% of the time! It will become a habit, like any other habit we’re trying to change. A mantra can be whatever you choose. Think of it as a personal pep talk if you prefer. Another immunity booster — focusing on what we have and shifting our mindset to one of gratitude! The more we repeat positive mantra’s to ourselves or out loud, the sooner we will start actually believing them. Happiness is a choice, not a condition!
LAUGHTER has been proven to boost our immune system. As they say, “laughter is the best medicine”, and it’s true! Laughter boosts mood, helps with pain and stress, connects us with others, keeps us grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps us release anger and forgive sooner.
Here are the benefits of laughter: It relaxes the body, boosts the immune system by decreasing stress hormones and releasing endorphins (yes!), our body’s natural feel-good chemicals, which can temporarily relieve pain. Laughter increases blood flow and improves the function of blood vessels which protects the heart. Laughter burns calories!. Well, it’s no replacement for working out but why not burn a few extra calories with laughter (sounds good to me!) Laughter may even help us live longer. Studies have shown people with a strong sense of humor outlived those who don’t laugh as much. It also helps us stay mentally healthy. It makes us feel good and helps us keep a positive, optimistic outlook through difficult situations (i.e. corona…). So, look at the funny side of things when possible and reap the benefits of laughter:D
SELF-CARE, especially during this pandemic, is crucial for our overall health and wellness. Mantra’s and a sense of humor are right there under self-care…. Everything from declaring one day a week as a “self-care” day for you, and I know you all know these things, but sometimes it takes suggestions and a nudge and permission to take care of yourself.
Choose what works best for you. For instance, put a soothing mask on your face and climb into the tub (Epsom salt and bubbles, which does include the sparkling kind ;) with your favorite playlist or book. If you’re reading a good book, find a quiet place (outside if possible!) with a glass of wine and get lost in your book for as long as possible. Get outside to smell the flowers, take in some nature, and do soak up some vitamin D whenever it’s sunny outside. Connect with friends and family via virtual or social distancing, and talk about positive topics, or keep talk of politics and the virus to a minimum. Get plenty of sleep; there’s a lot going on when we sleep, including strengthening our metabolism, especially when it comes to metabolizing carbohydrates, and if you’re not burning those carbs, the body converts them to fat.
So now I’ll briefly touch on nutrition. Of course, we can’t be perfect all of the time (90/10!), but trying to focus on a plant-based or Mediterranean “plate” will benefit all of us in the long run.
AND, of course, I have to talk about exercise, which brings us to just some of the benefits of getting a good sweat on. The benefits go well beyond fitness, including helping with depression and mood. One doctor (Robert Sallis, M.D.) believes, “If there was a pill that worked as well as exercise, doctors would be giving it to everyone.” Pertaining to self-care and COVID-19, exercise works its magic on mood by releasing feel-good substances such as endorphins. There are so many forms of exercise, as you know, so pick something you enjoy so it doesn’t feel like a task you have to force yourself to do. So, get active to get happy!
Take care of yourself both mentally and physically, friends!
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Be Healthy,